Monte Malaga Monte Malaga Regina dell'acqua Concorde Smart House Pesce Rosso Smart House Pesce Rosso Serre Albenga Tetto Anidra Moroni Smart House

Score - Sustainable Construction in Rural and Fragile Areas for Energy efficiency

The SCORE is a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the MED Programme.
SCORE will support the implementation of sustainable energy policies in the construction sector in fragile coastal and rural MED areas with exceptional landscape values, exploiting eco-innovative potential, using traditional building elements combined with innovative green technologies. The transnational cooperation will develop a benchlearning model, foster sustainable construction and create transferable innovative tools for energy-efficient building practices.


vai SCORE Final Event

SCORE Final Event
11/30/2012 - The Province of Savona and the project...


05/07/2012 - IV Steering Committee Meeting
download IV Steering Committee Meeting

vai IV Steering Committee - Agenda

05/07/2012 - Steering Committee Agenda - Savona...
download IV Steering Committee - Agenda

vai SCORE Information Seminar, "READ S.A."

SCORE Information Seminar,
04/04/2012 - In the morning of April 4th, an information...
download Invitation and list of participants

Project Partners

READ S.A.-South Aegean Region (Greece) Chamber of Commerce of Seville (Spain) Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Drôme (France) Local Energy Agency Pomurje Slovenija (Slovenie) Rhône Chamber of Crafts (France) Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry Agência Regional de Energia do Centro e Baixo Alentejo - ARECBA  Alentejo (Portugal) Development Company of Kefalonia & Ithaki S.A. Ionia Nisia (Greece) Marseille Chamber of Commerce (France)

Lead Partner

Provincia di Savona


December 2012 - Newsletter n°3

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