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Score - Sustainable Construction in Rural and Fragile Areas for Energy efficiency

Development Company of Kefalonia & Ithaki S.A. Ionia Nisia (Greece)

Development Company of Kefalonia & Ithaki S.A. Ionia Nisia (Greece)

The Development Company of Kefalonia and Ithaki S.A. was founded in 1998 and has established and applies a quality system according to EN ISO 9001:2008.
The Develpoment Company of Kefalonia & Ithaca S.A. aims at developing, managing, maintaining and protecting natural resources as at developing of the Region Unit of Kefalonia in generally.
The composition of the Company as the broad participation of representatives serving interests of the public and private sectors, and authorities of Kefalonia & Ithaca, ensure:
Achievement of the public purpose of the statute.
Support for the implementation of development intervention policy.
Reflect the agreement of all the need to promote a new mode of development of the region

Staff Structure

To achieve its objectives, the Company has sufficient staffing structure with qualitative and quantitative characteristics, with specialties that are in direct correlation with the content and objectives of the program and executives who proven have:
Successful action in the field of specialization,
Complete and thorough knowledge of intervention
Ability to take initiatives
Experience in the management of European programs
Developed links with the rural population, so that the animation and empowerment for participation in the bottom up process.


The company since its foundation has reclaimed various programs and initiatives and produced a series of studies mainly with development content. With the start of the operation of Local Action Group for the implementation of LEADER II was staffed with adequate manpower acquired similar logistics and developed special expertise. Gradually, and with a policy of continuous information and awareness of social actors and the public, reclaim development plans, national and Community, recognized in the minds of both residents, and public bodies, as the scientific body and the main local lever action plans, explore and coordinate the development efforts in the Region Unit of Kefalonia. The current business is divided into two areas:

  1. Implementation of Community Programs.
    The company, in its second business year, has delivered seven (7) Community programs (Leader II, Argos, Eubart, Waste, Altener, Interreg C-Drought, Interreg Culture). At the third business year, the company has claimed to implement six (6) projects. For each of these claims had been submitted to the competent Ministry or public body under a full project contract (description, feasibility, operations analysis and budget). For the implementation of programs worked with the EU/ GV4, the European Monitoring Center, the Ministries of Rural Development and Food, Development, Finance, Labor, the Region Unit of Kefalonia & Ithaca, the Municipality of Kefalonia & Ithaca, the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kefalonia & Ithaca, Corporate Development of Region of Ionian Islands. In this moment the company is running a MED project Sustainable COnstruction in Rural and fragile areas-SCORE).
  2. Preparation of Development Studies
    The company has a dynamic course in the field studies. The total number of studies is eight (8) with a total pay 742,158 €. The commitments made by program contracts with public and Government bodies which are: Region of Ionian Islands Region Unit of Kefalonia & Ithaca and Municipality. It should be noted that the studies were and remain a reliable source of recording and analyzing the current situation of the prefecture, in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, and highlighting them. For the studies used the full human potential but also enriched with external partners with skills commensurate with the nature of the studies.


Marianna Kotsovou
Region Unit of Kefalonia & Ithaca
Address: 8, P.Vallianou st., 281 00 Argostoli
Telephone number: +302671360588
FAX: +3026710 28462