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Score - Sustainable Construction in Rural and Fragile Areas for Energy efficiency

Guidelines for Integrated territorial Planning:
Sun screen control

The following guidelines come from a deep analysis of case studies, norms, and regulations, relating at both national and regional levels. This analysis is summarized in a card that can be downloaded in French language.
Sunscreens have two advantages:

There is a significant amount of technical solutions, materials, in order to offer architects many integration solutions on the front of buildings. However it can be classified into four main categories: External fixed, external mobile, integrated mobile glazing, interior mobile.Their architectural and bio-climate are well established, however, to be truly effective, specific studies conducted by design team must be conducted very early on projects. But these studies are often carried out too late. Also to be truly effective, these sunscreens are often misused, especially in commercial buildings where users are not keen of being actors of their comfort.

Indication for the bio-construction action plan

Pursuant to the guidelines written above, are here synthetically reported the criteria/examples for pilot projects to be financed in MED territory, in relation with the specific treated theme. These criteria/examples, together with the ones resulting from all the themes of eco-construction tool matrix, will make up a Bio-construction Action Plan for each partner countries. The fact of introducing a requirement for consideration of bio-climatism via the new French thermal regulations 2012, ensures the inclusion of this criteria. However in order to facilitate this consideration at the design, it will require that the architect and design team can use the same computer model. This is to limit the time and cost, to a phase where budgets are often tight. European programs aimed at promoting research on these topics should be encouraged. Software already exists but is little used. A promotional campaign to schools of architecture and engineering is expected to train future users at these new technologies. More awareness campaigns for users should be conducted to ensure proper use of these systems, especially in the tertiary sector. The principle challenges of "families to positive energies" launched at European level should be extended to offices.

Possible criteria for MED bio-housing quality certificate

Certifications applicable in France are French certification HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale), English one  (BREEAM), American LEED and local certification as Qualité Environnementale on Region Rhône-Alpes or démarche BDM (Bâtiment Durable Méditerranéen) in region PACA. All these certifications take into account the performance of sunscreens except those dedicated to residential namely “Habitat & Environment “ French certification.

Case studies

The case study relative to “Sun screen control” is given inside the card in French language that can be downloaded below, notably in “VAUGNERAY”or “PARC ECO-HABITAT”.

Download PDF (France language)