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Score - Sustainable Construction in Rural and Fragile Areas for Energy efficiency

Guidelines for Integrated territorial Planning:
Involucre (insulation, mass, PCM)

The following guidelines come from a deep analysis of case studies, norms and regulations, in relation to the local level. This analysis is summarized in a card that can be downloaded in Italian language.

The primary function of the housing, such as protection from external agents, has been joined over time by the task of modulating conditions in order to create more comfortable environments; task performed mainly in relation to differing climatic conditions of the context. This century, however, has made us witnesses of an involution of the technology built, characterized by the loss of all connections with the physical environment that the building envelope had acquired over time, returning only the function of protective shell. The relationship between the behavior of the building and its casing is quite critical, if we think that it should isolate the wind, humidity and rain at once but must be permeable to light and air, retaining heat and providing security and privacy. Get these results, burning less oil, coal or gas is possible only by combining the components of the housing (old and new) to the very old design principles and assign it the casing an important function, that of thermal controller, capable of reaching within optimal comfort levels without the use of mechanical systems or systems that require a high consumption.The gradual development of an attitude more 'accountable to energy consumption, both by the many actors involved in the construction process, is rapidly bringing the practice to design increasingly efficient buildings both as regards the plant and equipment, both for their same technological concept. The search for closure solutions and largely insulated from the thermal behavior is more efficient then pushing the project to standards approaching those of the so-called passive houses and achieve a real energy independence. Autonomy that is not only based on the use of devices for the exploitation of renewable energy, but also on the adoption of strategies for the control of radiation and natural ventilation. The reduction in energy demand during use can be currently considered a priority in the construction industry even though it is only one of several items that contribute to a broader and more complex energy balance. The different energy contributions in the game are changing the way we design and build by introducing significant elements of innovation, however, sometimes also involve unexpected effects on the behavior of the system or the means of enjoyment. One aspect often overlooked in the run at levels of performance ever higher is the fact that a casing of high efficiency is also generally a casing high seal. In other words, it is a system in which the exchange between the external environment and the inner are minimized and, in any event, tend to be subject to various forms of control. If an exchange is done simply because the project has provided the utility. An effective example of this is offered by the sector of fixtures which provides very high performance products and solutions aimed at optimizing the connection of the frame and the subframe to the support structures isolating each possible source of leakage. In this way, it is possible to ensure that most of the energy invested for the heating or cooling is efficiently utilized, but the same time, deprives the body construction of the natural exchange of air which was previously determined precisely from the discontinuity. The absence of accidental cracks or crevices and subsequent drafts is a need to provide, at the project level, some possibility of change of air. In many countries, in which the complete opening of a window can cost very high dispersions, are already widely different solutions which provide for the integration in the fixed frame or the glass closure system of special adjustable ventilation slots. In a building with high efficiency is not sufficient to be able to control the trade in relation to the expected functional program adopted, but must also consider those elements which, although necessary, cause a discontinuity of the housing. The design scenarios that are emerging in relation to new matters raised by a more sustainable approach in construction and in relation to the growing need to reduce energy demand and emissions and impacts on the assumptions anticipate that the buildings will be designed as bodies increasingly complex. Not so complex, or at least not only in technological terms but rather in terms of relations between the different parts that constitute them: it will be necessary to govern a larger number of variables given by higher components but also by rising standards of performance. The shape and the stratification of the shell will be more choices compared to the plant and the implementation of solutions for passive or active exploitation of radiation and more generally of renewable resources. The building will tend to be conceived as a set of parts in the report, aimed at achieving a synergistic behavior. The same design, have changed considerably over the years with the spread of computer resources, will be modified further to meet a substantial increase of the variables involved and the need for specialized knowledge. In order to obtain high efficiency buildings, with wrappers that contribute actively to the achievement of substantial energy savings and devices designed to achieve real energy independence, will no longer be possible to design in patterns and recurring patterns. There will also be possible to imagine a technological solution to transfer uncritically from one place to another. The project will operate on a level of "customization" increasingly large and increasingly tied to the peculiar conditions of the context in which it operates.

However, there are national and even regional level a number of issues / constraints related to the process of construction of new interventions for directing design towards effective sustainability scenarios:

To a greater spread of new construction in a sustainable eco-efficiency and optimization, may, with respect to the constraints and issues identified, to be useful the following initiatives:

Indication for the Bio-construction Action Plan

According to the guidelines mentioned above, are briefly highlighted below criteria for pilot projects to be funded in the territories MED, in relation to the specific subject matter hereof.
These criteria, along with those for the other issues highlighted in the matrix of eco-contruction tools, form the Bio-Action Plan articulated construction for the various partner countries.

Possible criteria for MED bio-housing quality certificate

The international certification systems, typically provide information related to the design of new development interventions based on criteria for applying the principles of building quality biosostenibile.
In particular, for the most widespread Italian certification system, called "Protocol Ithaca", the Italian version of "Green Building Challenge", for example with regard to new construction, we can find any mention in 'Annex A of Schedule Ithaca Liguria.

The card 1 - Energy for space heating - shows indications for appropriate intervention strategies for opaque and glazed envelope components, while the card 7 - Maintenance of performance-envelope identifies strategies to prevent the formation and accumulation condensation inside the housing.
The certification of environmental sustainability LEED NC 2009 Italy provides a set of evaluation criteria for the optimization of energy performance:

EA (Energy and Atmosphere - Credit 1) with the aim to achieve increasing levels of energy performance for buildings and facilities design, higher minimum values ​​defined in the regulations and legislation in order to reduce economic and environmental impacts associated to 'excessive energy consumption. We offer two distinct options to achieve EA Credit 1. Option 1: Demonstrate a percentage improvement of building energy performance project with respect to the limit values ​​defined below; Option 2: Demonstrate a percentage improvement of building energy performance index of the project, compared to the estimated primary energy consumption of the corresponding reference building. The estimated consumption of the building reference must be made according to the Building Performance Rating Method in Appendix G of ANSI / ASHRAE 90.1-2007 by means of a numerical simulation model of the entire building.

IP (Innovation in Design - Credit 1) with the aim of enabling design teams and projects to achieve exemplary performance against the requirements set by LEED and / or innovative performance in the areas of sustainability is not specifically covered in LEED. (PATH 1. Innovation in Design - Achieving a significant and measurable improvement in building performance in terms of environmental sustainability. PATH 2. Specimens Performance - Achieving an exceptional achievement for a credit of LEED for New Construction 2009 Italy where there are indications section relating to the exemplary performance as specified in the manual.

PR (Regional Priorities - Credit 1) with the aim to promote the achievement of credits geared to specific local environmental priorities.

These recommendations, definitely useful for the purpose of a Ligurian strategy for environmental certification, should be implemented with policies that are closer to more different types of building fabric (old town, rural area, abandoned industrial area, housing, construction of the postwar period, etc.) , then differentiating the possible strategies for sustainable design in the local area taking into account the possibility of local availability of potentially employable, preferring those that come from renewable sources and recycling processes without excluding innovative materials from the most recent scientific research. In the Liguria region already exists a system of energy certification of buildings (though not environmental, in that it addresses only the issues related to the reduction of energy consumption) - Regulation of 21 January 2009 n.1. Through this regulation is becoming more widespread attention to the issue of the case, though, to have significant results on a large scale, it was not until the rule becomes fully operational.

Case studies

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